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Nations Cup 2017: the end

The Bulgarian national haxball team leaves the 2017 Nations Cup without a single win after all of our opponents cheated. We got in our record 2 defeats - 2:9 from Italy and 3:6 from Ukraine and a 1:1 draw vs. Serbia.

After the tournament our captain - Joe Hart announced that he is retiring from haxball. "I leave my legacy to the next generation. I wanted to change our mentality and make the Bulgarians play attacking haxball. I am leaving haxball now, so I can have more time to explain how my bar in USA burned to the media.", said Joe Hart.

By the way, Joe Hart is a popular poker player, who usually plays on 8 poker tables at the same time while he is working out, doing his homework, texting to his hoes and solves internation political problems, so he will be fine.

The favourite to replace Joe Hart as a captain for the next championship at the moment is foxbg, who has already won almost everything he could possibly win including a double in the Bulgarian league without playing a single minute, the best joke teller ever born award and mister Olympia 2017.

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