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League staff

Head Admins:






League history

League 1 is born at the end of year 2016 and the story how is quite interesting. It is not the first Bulgarian league after all, it is a bit different than all the previous editions of Bulgarian Haxball competitions. 
After 10 editions of the previous Bulgarian league, in the end of 2015 the league just disappears. The admins are gone and the site is closed. A legend says that the end of the league happened because there is no one willing to pay for the site. In fact, no one can confirm this theory, since it is impossible to reach the former admin. After 1 year lack of any organized haxball, the Bulgarian society is slowly dying. However, one very surprising thing happens – kirchaka returns from his retirement after he was gone for more than a year. According to him, the lack of league is more than inappropriate. He is a former owner of one of the biggest and famous TVs in the previous leagues – the remarkable KiroTV. He gives a proposition to Skilidko – his colleague, owner of the first internet TV in the Bulgarian haxball – Skilidko TV. They both decide to form a media team and revive the league. With joined effort they create Channel 1, the site in which everyone can read news, participate in the following League 1, and watch the matches live on their TV. For people who want to do something except the ordinary 4v4 haxball, different tournaments are organized on a regulatory basis. 
Before the start of the league elections are held, won by Chees. He decides not to run the league alone, but with the help of the owners of the site – kirchaka and Skilidko. A couple of weeks after, because of inappropriate behavior he is fired from his post and the only admins left are kirchaka and Skilidko. On the following elections they add champion to their stuff and win with a serious majority. Then the Bulgarian league starts after more than a year without any organized haxball. People, who used to play, but decided to quit slowly return and now the league is more than successful. A joined decision is taken by the admins, allowing foreign teams to participate as well. The first season is a huge success and even more teams want to take part in the well-organized competition in the next editions. 
The league strives for democracy – the huge decisions are taken with the consent of every captain. The admins claim that they don’t have any executive power, they just organize the whole competition according to the player’s interests. That is why if the players are not happy with the executive power, they can always vote in the elections, happening after every season. 
What admins in this league insist and are very strict about is the correctness of the players and some fundamental principles like justice and equality. Since the league is for everyone and since this is just a game, we should all give our best to make the league a better and a fun place. Thus all unreasonable behavior is severely punished. 

Also a thing that should be noted is the fact that we as admins are very friendly and highly appreciate your opinion and advice. If you are not happy with something or have a proposal how to make the league a better place in which all the players can enjoy the game, do not hesitate to contact us. Moreover, if you want to join the stuff and help, we will be more than happy to give you a chance as an admin, journalist, streamer, tournament organizer and etc. 

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