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KHM leave League 1

The owner of the initially macedonian, and then croatian team - KHM declared that his team quits League 1. After a couple of humiliating results and the scandal in the match vs evoLve when KHM had a fake player and banned the admins after they find out , Alfas - team's captain released the following statement:

"I don't have problems with the admins of the league. We quit because we don't want to play in a league with Chees and champion. For us your league is not normal because of the defloss we received."

We remind you their previous offenses:

1. Using three players with macro in 2 different matches. Falcao, Emenike and OSCAR were banned from the league.

2. Leaving the room before the match has ended in two different matches - both vs Rebels, for the league and for the cup.

3. The aforementioned offence when they tried to use a fake player, banned the admins of the league from the room and the repeated insults - link to the topic.

4. Not showing up for 2 matches from the league, ofcourse punished with deflosses.

All of the points won vs KHM will not be counted in the standings, but the goalscorers, assists and clean sheets will remain. Team's captain - Alfas receives will not be allowed to captain a team again to make sure this will not happen again in future.

Teams who play them will rest. Each team will play 18 matches this season instead of the initally planned - 21.

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