This is an ongoing thread for new teams to show their interest if they would like to join the league.
We can't guarantee that any team that signs up will get a place in the league.
Team Name -
Logo -
Lineup - (add countries and positions of players + captain and co-cap)
Why you want to be a captain -
1. You and your team must know and understand the rules.
2. Have a squad of active 6-12 players.
3. Using macro in our league is strictly prohibited. Captains should assure their players are not using macro otherwise any violations will be severly punished.
4. Make sure your team will finish the league.
A channel will be made for your team in the new teams section on - pm champion, Skilidko or kirchaka.
Deadline 09.04.2017 @23:59 CET (00:59 EET)
If you have any concerns or questions kirchaka, Skilidko and champion are in ts waiting for you!
Team Name - Ravens-Sofia
Logo -
Lineup - (add countries and positions of players + captain and co-cap)
moti (GK) [BG]
them (DM) [BG]
Sex Machine (DM) [BG]
Arsenal (AM) [BG]
Юлиян (AM) [BG]
foxbg (ST) [BG]
#teo (ST) [BG]
ivanbg (ST) [BG]
Peckata (ST) [BG]
Captain - Юлиян
Co-Captains - foxbg & Arsenal
Why Юлиян wants to be a captain - причината поради която искам да съм капитан е,че мисля върху играта как може да станат нещата ,в какъв стил да играем ще се следят опонентите и т.н. бих се занимавал доста