Default match time: Wednesday 04.10.2017 - 20:00 CET:
Ravens - Green Devils
Starks - Sparta
Leicester - SyG
We Are Flaviu - Arsenal
You can postpone your match in this topic at least 30 minutes before the game.
Please report the match in this format:
a) result:
b) line-ups (both teams):
c) replay link (haxrec):
d) replay time of the goals (with stats):
e) special occurrences (if you have):
Defwin for Sparta
Ravens 5-8 Green Devils
First Half Lineups:
Green Devils : Plez - Randkin - Killswitch - Narsingh
Ravens : Firmino - Skilidoko - grindhauz - Hazard
First Half
3:40 grindhauz
3:57 Randkin(Killswitch)
Second Half
Green Devils : Plez - Randkin - Killswitch - Narsingh
Ravens : Firmino - Skilidoko - grindhauz - Hazard
Second Half
0:56 Killswitch
1:34 Narsingh
2:01 Firmino(ag)
2:23 Plez(ag)
2:35 Hazard(grindhauz)
3:54 Rankdin
5:14 Narsingh
5:59 Skilidko(grindhauz)
6:10 Randkin(Killswitch)
6:17 Skilidko
6:22 Narsingh
The mandatory time set by the administrators for the Ravens - Green Devils and Starks - Sparta matches is saturday (съобота), 14.10, 20.30 CET (21.30ч. българско време). The matches can be played earlier than scheduled.
The deadline for the Ravens vs. Green Devils and Starks vs. Sparta matches is 11.10, wednesday. If they are not played until then a mandatory date and time will be set by the administrators. If the matches are not played then, the missing team/teams will receive a defloss.
We Are Flaviu 5-1 Arsenal
First half lineups :
WAF : Yondaime-Rooney-Eriksen-Majstor za golove
Arsenal : Dell-r7-rexx-чичофоксарашфорд
first half :
Eriksen 2:35 (1-0) ***
чичофоксарашфорд 2:52(1-1) *******
Eriksen(Majstor za golove) 8:31-8:32(2-1) ********
Second half :
WAF : Yondaime-aMp-Eriksen-Majstor za golove
Arsenal : Dell-чичофоксарашфорд-rexx-r7
Second half :
Majstor za golove(Eriksen) 11:03-11:06(3-1) *********
Eriksen 11:38 (4-1) *******
16:38 чичофоксарашфорд out Mentos in
aMp(Majstor za golove) 17:03-17:06 (5-1)
SyG 4-0 Leicester
SyG: Buffon-CHE-B4D 4SS-Mad
Leicester: Champion-Sven Bender-SPAMMEUR FOU (Joker)-Per
1st half
3:08 Buffon **
5:07 B4D 4SS (Mad) ***
6:20 B4D 4SS
2nd half
11:34 Mad (B4D 4SS) *
wc vs starks