Default match time: Sunday 15.10.2017 - 20:00 CET:
Green Devils - Leicester
SyG - Sparta
We Are Flaviu - Starks
Arsenal - Ravens
You can postpone your match in this topic at least 30 minutes before the game.
Please report the match in this format:
a) result:
b) line-ups (both teams):
c) replay link (haxrec):
d) replay time of the goals (with stats):
e) special occurrences (if you have):
SyG 6-4 Sparta (4-2)
SyG: beni-soNik-B4D4SS-Skinny
Sparta: moti (Poes) (phantom)-Miva-Poes (MIIiiLLEE)-RoMa
1st half
0:30 Skinny (B4D 4SS)
1:41 RoMa
4:18 Skinny (B4D 4SS)
4:44 Skinny (B4D 4SS)
5:44 Poes (Miva)
7:31 RoMa own goal
2nd half
13:05 Miva (MIIiiLLEE)
13:22 Skinny
13:33 RoMa
15:23 phantom own goal
Ravens - Arsenal 8:1
1st half
Ravens: Fabregas, grindhauz, Hazard, Skilidko
Arsenal: чичофоксарашофорд, Ṱhε ₩αṝṝιøṝ™, Rexx, LukakuVik
0:49 Hazard, Skilidko
1:39 Skilidko, Hazard
3:37 grindhauz, Hazard
4:33 Skilidko, grindhauz
5:26 Rexx OG
2nd half
Arsenal: чичофоксарашофорд, Ṱhε ₩αṝṝιøṝ™, Rexx, LukakuVik
Ravens: Fabregas, grindhauz, Skilidko, Hazard
0:38 Hazard, Skilidko
0:52 LukakuVik
1:08 Hazard, grindhauz
1:35 Hazard, grindhauz
Leicester - Green Devils 4:0+3(rq)=7:0
LC: Nocke, ANDREA, Yawn, Schnuppel
GD: Aress, Yalkoun, Pléz, Narsingh
1st half:
4:43 Yawn(ANDREA)
2nd half:
1:54 Yawn
2:49 Schnuppel(ANDREA)
4:23 ANDREA(Yawn)
Nocke CS.
We Are Flaviu 3-0 Starks
Lineups :
We Are Flaviu : Yondaime-aMp-Eriksen-Vidalo
Starks : Sodasson-Baffo-L4W-Pietro Smusi
First half :
Eriksen(Vidalo) 6:41-6:43 (1-0) *********
Second half :
Vidalo 16:13-16:18 (2-0) ********
aMp 16:27-16:30 (3-0) ********