Default match time: Sunday 08.10.2017 - 20:00 CET:
Green Devils - WAF
Sparta - Ravens
SyG - Starks
Arsenal - Leicester
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a) result:
b) line-ups (both teams):
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Leicester - Arsenal 17-2 LC: ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆, Nocke, Doctor, Joker ARS: Mentos`, Varane, Rexx, LukakuVik 1st half: 0:12 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆ 0:52 Doctor 1:36 [ag] Varane 3:28 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆, Joker 4:26 Doctor 4:45 Doctor 5:23 [ag] Rexx 5:49 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆, Doctor 6:26 Mentos`, Rexx 6:36 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆ 2nd half: 0:27 Doctor 1:54 Doctor 3:27 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆ 3:37 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆ 3:59 [ag] Rexx 4:12 [ag] Joker 5:23 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆, Joker 6:14 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆, Joker 6:33 ÇHÀMPÍÖN★☆∆정♥향∆★☆